If you'd like to email a classmate, click on the address after the classmate's name. Maiden names are in parenthesis. To add or update your own email address, just email it to the webmaster at roytroxel@gmail.com. Looking for Cornell grads who aren't classmates? Check out the online directory, CornellConnect: https://cornellconnect.cornell.edu/ A-BXXC-D-EXXF-GXXH-I-JXXK-LXXM-N-O-PXXQ-R-SXXT-Z Kalafer, Michael kalafer@san.rr.com Kamfjord, Karen (Klitgord) ugjkvk@aol.comKanter, Madeline (Daub) mkanter@fctvplus.net Kaplan, Cathy (Dziezanowski) ckaplan@kaplanconstructs.com Katz, Richard sdkatzr@aol.com Kay, Carol cakay18@aol.com Keagler, Harry D. hkeagler@ohio.net Kehr, Robert L. rlk42@cornell.edu Keast, Stephen sck11@cornell.edu Keizer, Alan A.Keizer@btinternet.com Kerchner, Robert rm.kerchner@verizon.net Kelley, John E. jekelley01@aol.com Keller,Fred fpkeller66@gmail.com Kinney, Michael MichaelK@planeteria.net Kirkland, Carol cjk6@psu.edu Klee, Thomas A. tklee7532@aol.com Klein, Mark L. markklein2009@gmail.com Klein, Paul pk524@aol.com Kleinman, Kenneth kwk@kjk.com Kochanoff, Stan Konvitz, Jeffrey jkonvitz@aol.com Korn, Sue Stern suezkorn@aol.com Korros, Sandy (Shecket) korros@xavier.edu and Korros@fuse.net Krause,Jonathan Seth jackrabbit549@gmail.com Krauss, Jonathan jkrauss@georgiahealth.edu Krich, Steve sikrich5@aol.com Kurtz, Nancy nancystarjive@gmail.com Lacroute, Ronni (Barrett) rlacroute@gmail.com Lamb, Norton (Buzz) nlambme@icloud.com Landrey,David drlandrey@aol.com Lavine, Ken Ken@Lavine2020.com Lawrence, Barbara gratitude129@gmail.com; BAL14@cornell.edu Leelike, Dottie Hjelstrom dleelike@yahoo.com Lerner, Charles lernch@gmail.com Leroy, Doris lrdoris@aol.com Lester, Howie helpph@rit.edu Levine, Hilda (Lichtenstein) hildaandmarty@aol.com Levisohn, Paul velo44@comcast.net Levy, Michael levy62@aol.com Lidman, Russell lidmanr@seattleu.edu Lindquist, Lee lindqbike@aol.com Lindsley, Robert lindsley@comcast.net Linn, Priscilla (Rachun) clasp.rili@gmail.com (h) linnpr@state.gov (w) Lockwood, Richard rml32@cornell.edu, rrlockwood@comcast.net Locke Jr,Philip Francis plocke7@gmail.com Loeber, A. Kristin Dahlstrom krisloeber@gmail.com Lomazoff, Linda lrr2@cornell.edu Lombardo, Nancy (Emerson) nemersonlombardo@yahoo.com Lortz, Ed eddieksf@gmail.com Lovell, John jlovell@JohnLovell.com Lowe, Susan (Miller) sulofs@rochester.rr.com Lubell, Martha Goell mlubell@aol.com Lubitz, Alan ahlubitz@aol.com Luciani, Tom tom@lucianigroup.com Luisada, Paul V.,MD pvl2@cornell.edu Lustig, Dianne Flannery djl34@cornell.edu Lutz, Dennis decalutz@comcast.net Lutz, Gene elutz@rocketsoftware.com Lynch, Carol clynch7@comcast.net Lytle, Mark lytle@bard.edu Please Note: This list has been compiled, on a confidential basis, by the Cornell Class of 1966 for its exclusive purposes and those of its members. It is not available for private or individual purposes of any kind, including commercial solicitations or the expression of personal, political, social or economic views. Moved recently? Just click on the FB logo!