Fall colors on Cascadilla Gorge, by John Monroe

If you'd like to email a classmate,click on the address after the classmate's name. Maiden names are in parenthesis.

To add or update your own email address, just email it to the webmaster at roytroxel@gmail.com.

Looking for Cornell grads who aren't classmates? Check out the online directory, CornellConnect: https://cornellconnect.cornell.edu/

Campbell, Andrew gregvercap@msn.com

Campbell, Guy F. (Jeff) guy.jeff.campbell@gmail.com

Caplan, William (Bill) bill@billcaplan.com

Carberry, Sandra carberry@cis.udel.edu

Caren, Ann (Martin) acaren@twcny.rr.com

Carien, Marilyn (Mullin) marilyncarien@gmail.com

Cassell, Susan cassell.susan@gmail.com

Cerulli, Maurice mc76839@aol.com

Chafetz, Neiloracleimaging@yahoo.com

Chase, Carolyn (Rider) crchase@post.harvard.edu

Chesman, Joseph chesman@gulftel.com

Chew, Richard K. rkchew@gmail.com

Chipkin, Robert rchipkin@comcast.net

Cobey, John jcobey@ctks.com

Coburn, Len (Leonard) lencoburn@gmail.com

Cochrane, David david.cochrane@tufts.edu

Cohen, Guy Macgcohen1945@gmail.com

Coleman, Judy & Stanley colemanjsf@ca.rr.com

Coleman, Winfield winfield1@mindspring.com

Collins, Jeffrey virion512@gmail.com

Comsudi, Sandra Smith sandy_comsudi@yahoo.com

Condey, Andrew drcondey@aol.com

Conner, Clifford Scott ("Kip") flconmars@comcast.net

Coulter, Linda (Blair) lbcoulter@aol.com

Coulter, John jwcoulterj@aol.com

Corbin, Nancy Melzak nancorbin@aol.com

Crahan, Gary thecrahans@earthlink.net

Cranston,Brian Robert bnhcranston@msn.com

Crabtree,Paul spcrab21@comcast.net

Crockenberg, Susan Belden vtcrocks@gmavt.net

Culver, Steve gcityspy@aol.com

Cummings, Thomas tcummings@marshall.usc.edu

Cuniberti, Candace candacecuniberti@gmail.com

Curtis, Otis okcp@itctel.com

Cutler,Richard rwclaw@yahoo.com

Dadonna, J. A. jadaddona@cs.com

Daly, Mary Wellington mary@daly.us

Davidoff, Michael dde@in4web.com

Davidson, Bill willdale@frontier.com

Dean, Peter Berridge, MD peter.dean@post.harvard.edu

Deasy, John deasyjjr@aol.com

Demarest, Lee W. lwdsad@aol.com

De Reitzes, Foster fdereitzes@gmail.com

Dobrow, Diane Stein dsd24@aol.com

Dobson, Diane (Barrett) dcbdobson@gmail.com

Dona, Robert rbdona@yahoo.com

Dormer, Ken k_dormer@hotmail.com

Doris, Leroy lrdoris@aol.com

Downs, Tom and Nancy nandtdowns@bainbridge.net

Dropkin, Lloyd lrdropkin@aol.com

Duchowny, Michael michael.duchowny@mch.com

Duggar, John j.duggar@yahoo.com

Duhe, Mary (Polk) MMPGD99@aol.com

Eberly, Robertreeberlyjr@gmail.com

Eckel, John john.eckel@pinninvest.com

Egger, John jbe9@cornell.edu

Eisen, Larry fipublish@aol.com

Eisenberg, Elliott exe3@psu.edu

Ekstrom, Rich rdekstrom@verizon.net

Ellner, Jerry jerrold.ellner@bmc.org

Elwyn, Michelle Murchwyn@aol.com

Emerson, Nancy Lombardo nemerson@rcn.com ; nemerson@bu.edu

Emerson, Roger rcemerson@frontiernet.net


Engstrom, Linda (Cascio) lengstro@teleport.com

Esposito, F. Paul paul.esposito@uc.edu

Etzel, Stephen setzel@snet.net

Everett, Mary Jansen gobigred22@aol.com

Ewing, Glen glenewing9@msn.com

Please Note:
If you don't wish your name to appear online here,
please email the Webmaster at: rrt@cornellclassof66.org

This list has been compiled, on a confidential basis, by the Cornell Class of 1966 for its exclusive purposes and those of its members. It is not available for private or individual purposes of any kind, including commercial solicitations or the expression of personal, political, social or economic views.

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