If you'd like to email a classmate,click on the address after the classmate's name. Maiden names are in parenthesis. To add or update your own email address, just email it to the webmaster at roytroxel@gmail.com. Looking for Cornell grads who aren't classmates? Check out the online directory, CornellConnect: https://cornellconnect.cornell.edu/ Fabbricatore, Robert rfabbric@cfl.rr.com Fairchild, Petepetefairch@aol.com Fajman, William wfajman@earthlink.net Falkenstein, Stanley lskdf2@aol.com Farrell, Thomas tjdd3@hotmail.com Farren, Carol fmww@earthlink.net Fay, Madeleine mfay@massmed.org Feigin, David dfeigin@usuhs.mil
Feldman, Robert rlf4@cornell.edu; Robert_Feldman@hotmail.com Ferraro, Fran francisjferraro@gmail.com Fiedler, Elliott elliott202@aol.com Fine, Dorothy Hoffman dottyochbill@yahoo.com Fisher, Miles summersnow1972@verizon.net Fleiss,David david@fleiss.org Fontecilla, Herb hmf3@cornell.edu Foster, Paul pjfoster17@comcast.net Fox, Michael J. vashonfox@comcast.net Frank, Richard jjgf4img@verizon.net Frantz, Rolf nrfrantz@verizon.net Frayer, William wwf@med.cornell.edu Friedman, Marilyn mffdesignhistorian@gmail.com Froyen, Richard froyen@email.unc.edu Fuis, Gary fuis@usgs.gov Galinato, John john@build-it-yourself.com Garfinkel, Alan agarfinkel@mednet.ucla.edu Gaskins, Sam segaskins16087@hotmail.com Gauch,Hugh G.,Jr. hgg1@cornell.edu Geiger, Robert rakjgeiger@aol.com Geiger, Anne Kristin (Dennison) kgeiger08@gmail.com Getto, Judith Payne and Ernest judygetto@gmail.com erniegetto@gmail.com Gibeling, Howard hgibeling@alum.mit.edu Gilbert, Bethanie abay2315@pacbell.net Gilbert, Richard gilbert@econ.berkeley.edu Goichman, Larry lgoichman@scglease.com Goldberg, Leslie P. lpgmd@aol.com Goldman. Greer Sterenfeld gsgoldman@gmail.com Goldstein, Marvin mmgoldstein1@gmail.com Goldhaber, Susan Kress suzan@max2.physics.sunysb.edu Goldstock. Ronald ipsig@verizon.net Goodman, Jill Jordan goodmjj@bellsouth.net Goodman, Joel jgoodman1@cox.net Goodrich, Carol Mott dutchg@peoplepc.com Gordon, Linda (Rokeach) robbgordon@gmail.com Gordon, James P. james.p.gordon@rssmb.com Gould,Diane Susan ( Wasser ) reinedesaba21@gmail.com Graev, Lawrence lgg@ogk.com Graff, Joyce (Wilcox) joyceg@pipeline.com Gray, Harold D. "Hap" hapgray@roadrunner.com Gray, Laura (Bowman) lgray@pepperdine.edu ; laurabgray@aol.com Green, Paul krimsten@together.net Greenblath, Sharon SGreen5801@aol.com Greenblatt, Richard Richard.Greenblatt@gmail.com Greene, James jgreene102@gmail.com Griffin, David L. Tolaferme@hotmail.com Grimm, Roy roy@sedonarealestate.com Guggenheim, Steven stevegug1@gmail.com Guise, Tom gooseguise@msn.com Gurin, Douglas B.dgurin@comcast.net Please Note: This list has been compiled, on a confidential basis, by the Cornell Class of 1966 for its exclusive purposes and those of its members. It is not available for private or individual purposes of any kind, including commercial solicitations or the expression of personal, political, social or economic views. Moved recently? Just click on the FB logo!